Special Edition Covid19CIHEAM Newsletter
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 With the COVID-19 pandemic, more than ever, agricultural cooperation, rural development and investment in human capital are a priority in the Mediterranean



Read the communication of the Secretary-General Plácido Plaza "COVID-19: Why does the CIHEAM matter?"

Read the joint communication of the President and the Secretary-General addressed to the CIHEAM Community, in particular, the students 

" The CIHEAM Keeps you informed and provides its supports

145th Governing Board Meeting of the CIHEAM (02 July 2020) 

A half-year marked by crisis management and solutions

Online courses: Good way to maintain academic activities for CIHEAM students during the lockdown

Remote working: Ensuring continuity of service from home


Survey: Remote working at the CIHEAM Bari Institute 

Life at the Institutes of the CIHEAM: Solidarity with students and staff

Lockdown: CIHEAM students share their experiences

Threats to Food Security: a profitable regression for Mediterranean Agriculture?

Read the joint communication of Pr. Mohammed Sadiki and Mr Plácido Plaza on the occasion of the publication of the CIHEAM Report: "The COVID-19 Pandemic: Threats to Food Security in the Mediterranean Region"


North Africa: What is the impact of COVID-19 on the grain market?



Don't forget to read the CIHEAM Press Review on SCOOP.IT 

(Euro-Mediterranean News on Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Environment...)


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