CIHEAM Governing Board in Madrid (4-5 July 2019)
A Key Meeting for the next CIHEAM Ministerial Conference " Strengthening the role of youth and women in Mediterranean food systems" to be held in Tunis
The 143rd meeting of the CIHEAM Governing Board was held in Madrid (Spain) at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, on 4 and 5 July 2019.
This meeting was marked by the presence of Mr Luis Planas, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Mrs María Dolores Ocaña Madrid, Under-Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Mr Juan Sainz Herrero, Director General Deputy of Bilateral Economic Relations and Economic Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
50th Anniversary of the CIHEAM-Zaragoza Institute:
Africa-Europe cooperation reinforcement underlined
Palermo Forum
A Future Multi-Actor Platform for More Sustainable and Inclusive Food Systems in the Mediterranean
15-17 May 2019, Palermo, Italy
The International Forum "Strategies for More Sustainable Food Systems in the Mediterranean" was held from May 15 to 17 in Palermo (Italy). The three-day conference included 18 sessions and institutional plenary sessions for which the President, the Secretary-General, the Directors and experts of the four Institutes of the CIHEAM (Bari, Chania, Montpellier and Zaragoza) were mobilized.
At this Forum, the CIHEAM, the FAO and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) agreed to move jointly together in the co-development of a multi-actors platform for sustainable food systems in the Mediterranean.
Meeting with the Greek Minister of Agriculture
6 June 2019, Athens, Greece
The Greek Minister of Agriculture, Mr Stavros Arachovitis, received on June 06, 2019 in Athens a delegation of the CIHEAM. Discussions focused on the perspectives and development priorities of the CIHEAM Institute in Chania, namely on postgraduate studies, the promotion of research activities and the cooperation between the Mediterranean countries.
CIHEAM delegation received at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
13 June 2019, Rome, Italy
The Director-General of Cooperation and Development of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Giorgio Marrapodi, met the new President of the CIHEAM Governing Board, Mr. Mohammed Sadiki, in the presence of the Secretary-General of the CIHEAM, Mr. Plácido Plaza, the delegate of Italy to CIHEAM Mr. Teodoro Miano, and Mr. Maurizio Raeli, Director of the CIHEAM Institute in Bari.
Writeshop to develop capacity building and innovation plans
17-18 June, Rabat, Morocco
A "Writeshop to develop capacity building and innovation plans" was held at IAV-Hassan II in the presence of Mr. Jaouad Bahaji, General Director of ONCA (Office National du Conseil Agricole) and Alternate Delegate of Morocco to the Governing Board of CIHEAM and organized by CIHEAM Bari in collaboration with ICARDA in the framework of IFAD-supported project "Strengthening knowledge management for greater development effectiveness in the Near East, North Africa, Central Asia and Europe"
Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation visits the CIHEAM Bari Institute
27-28 June 2019, Bari and Tricase Porto (Italy)
For the International Cooperation Day on June 27th, Mr Luca Maestripieri, Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, visited the CIHEAM Institute in Bari. His visit also included, on June 28th, the Grand opening of new premises of Avamposto Mare, the peripheral seat of CIHEAM Bari in Tricase Porto.
First Joint Meeting on Soil and Plant System Sciences (SPSS 2019)
23-26 September 2019, CIHEAM Bari (Italy)
First Joint Meeting on Soil and Plant System Sciences (SPSS 2019) organized by the Italian Society of Agricultural Chemistry (SICA), the Italian Society of Pedology (SIPe) and the Italian Society of Soil Science (SISS), in collaboration with the CIHEAM Bari and the Italian Chapter of the International Humic Substances Society, will be held next 23-26 September 2019 at the CIHEAM Bari Campus in Valenzano (Bari, Italy).
Registration opened for the ALUMNI gathering
Chania, Greece, 23 August 2019
Former CIHEAM Students from the CIHEAM Institute of Chania are invited to participate in the 2nd ALUMNI GATHERING (23/08/2019). This year the gathering will focus on CIHEAM'S multiculturalism as a contribution to Personal and Professional Evolvement
A Network of Mediterranean Plant Conservation Centres
The 3rd GENMEDA meeting with support from the CARE-MEDIFLORA project took place in Rome, 30 May, at the Botanical Garden 'La Sapienza' of the University of Rome.
CIHEAM Montpellier
Qualitative Forecast of the 2019 cereal harvest: MED-Amin report
22 June 2019, Paris, France
The 2019 cereal harvest forecast exercise - the third year of this initiative - was carried out in a shorter time than in previous years and with very good participation from the MED-Amin member countries. It has become an operational monitoring platform, providing timely and relevant information, even qualitative, on the current cereal season (soft wheat, durum wheat and barley).
Appointment of the CIHEAM Montpellier Director as Co-Chair of SWG AKIS
17-18 June 2019, Sicily (Italy)
The Director of CIHEAM Montpellier, Mr Pascal Bergeret, has been appointed Co-Chair of the SWG AKIS. This Strategic Working Group on Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems has been implemented by the Standing Committee for Agricultural Research (SCAR), an advisory body for DG RTD of the European Commission.
The meeting of 17 and 18 June 2019 in Acireale (Sicily) launched the 5th mandate of this Group which will focus on the following points: the digitization of the AKIS, the integration of training institutions in the AKIS, social innovation in the AKIS, the impact of the multi-stakeholder approach in research projects. A roadmap has been initiated by the twenty or so countries represented.
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Upcoming course on diagnostics and prevention for fish parasite control in aquaculture
From 21 to 25 October 2019, the CIHEAM- Zaragoza, the EU H2020 RIA projects, and the MedAId through the faculty of Veterinary Science, will be organising an advanced course for professionals on diagnostics and prevention for fish parasite control in aquaculture at the CIHEAM Zaragoza Institute.
Marine and freshwater finfish aquaculture in the Mediterranean region is nowadays a fast expanding sector in animal production. Gilthead sea bream, European sea bass, rainbow trout, common crap and other species are the most farmed fish in Mediterranean countries and provide high-quality animal protein. These farming activities also contribute significantly to wealth and job creation in coastal and rural areas. However, diseases are still a limiting factor for the development of sustainable production.
SIMRA 3rd General Assembly in Athens
Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas
10-12 June 2019, Athens, Greece
CIHEAM Zaragoza 50th anniversary
An important event at the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
5 July, Madrid, Spain
The Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Mr Luis Planas, attended the 50th-anniversary ceremony of the CIHEAM Institute in Zaragoza. He emphasized the important role played by the Institute in the area of education and research and highlighted the number of professionals trained there who are now in senior positions in many different countries. He also pointed out that CIHEAM Zaragoza's intense activity needs to be disseminated more widely, especially the training activities such as Master of Science programmes or advanced courses such as the one held recently on 'Xylella fastidiosa'.
Agenda 2019
23 AUGUST, CHANIA (Greece), 2nd Alumni Gathering
16-27 SEPTEMBER, MONTPELLIER (France), MISS-ABMS 2019 Multi-platform International Summer School on Agent-based Modelling & Simulation for Renewable Resources Management
23-26 SEPTEMBER, BARI (Italy), First Joint Meeting on Soil and Plant System Sciences (SPSS 2019)
21-25 OCTOBER, ZARAGOZA (Spain), Upcoming course on diagnostics and prevention for fish parasite control in aquaculture
23-25 OCTOBER, MEKNES (Morocco), Joint meeting of the FAO-CIHEAM "Efficiency and resilience of forage resources and small ruminant production to cope with global challenges in Mediterranean areas
4-5 NOVEMBER, TUNIS (Tunisia), 12th CIHEAM Ministerial Meeting "Strengthening the role of youth and women in Mediterranean food systems. Future opportunities and solutions to meet challenges
20-22 NOVEMBER, OPATIJA (Croatia), 1st International conference on practical and theoretical implications of LEADER/CLLD in South-East Europe
Developing a water strategy for sustainable irrigated agriculture in Mediterranean island communities - Insights from Malta. Outlook on Agriculture, Papadimitriou L., D'Agostino D., Borg M., Hallett S., Sakrabani R., Thompson A. and Knox J. (2019).
Taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales: update 2019. Archives of Virology, 164(7): 1949-1965. Abudurexiti A., Adkins S., Alioto D.
ECOLOGICAL INTENSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURE IN DRYLANDS, P. Garcia-Palacios ; M.R. Alarcon ; J.LL Tenorio ; S.S. Moreno in Journal of Arid Environments (vol. 187, August 2019)
IMPLEMENTING ORGANIC FARMING IN VEINYARDS, A. Mérot ; H. Belhouchette ; S.Saj ; J. Wery. in Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (online)
Crops, people and irrigation: water allocation practices of farmers and engineers, Diemer, Geert
Farmer financed irrigation: the economics of reform, Small, Leslie E.
Environmental modelling for developing countries, Biswas, Asit K.
Irrigation Governance Challenges in the Mediterranean Region: Learning from Experiences and Promoting Sustainable Performance, Khadra R., Sagardoy J.A.
Don't forget to browse the CIHEAM Press Review on SCOOP.IT (Euro-Mediterranean News on Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Environment...)
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