CIHEAM at the 4th UfM Ministerial Conference on Employment and Labour
Cascais, Portugal, 1-3 April 2019
The CIHEAM participated to the 4th UfM Ministerial Conference on Employment and Labour and contributed to the side-Event "The employment of Mediterranean university graduates: Bridging the employability gap between advanced skills and markets" that took place in Cascais (Portugal) from 1 to 3 April.
In parallel of these events, a bilateral meeting was held between the UfM SG, Nasser Kamel and the CIHEAM SG, Plácido Plaza.
Young People and Women
as a priority for the Mediterranean
Tunis, Tunisia, 24 April 2019
Mr Mohammed Sadiki, President of the Governing Board and Mr Placido Plaza, Secretary-General of the CIHEAM, were invited on April 23 in Tunis by Mr Samir Taïeb, Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries for a preparatory visit in preparation of the 12th meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture of the CIHEAM Member States that will be held in Tunis the 5 November 2019 and that will focus on young people and women in rural, agricultural and coastal areas.
Paris, France, 22 March 2019
Mr José Graziano da Silva, Director-General of the FAO met on March 22 with Mr Plácido Plaza, Secretary General of the CIHEAM (International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies), at UNESCO in parallel to the symposium that took place on "Taste at the service of consumer health and sustainable territorial development". They exchanged about their ongoing and future common projects and explored ways to strengthen their strategic partnership for the Mediterranean region
CIHEAM participation in SIAM
Meknes, Morocco, April 21, 2019
At the invitation of Mr Mohammed Sadiki, President of the CIHEAM Governing board and Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests of the Kingdom of Morocco, the CIHEAM participated in Morocco's International Agriculture Show (SIAM) held in Meknes from April 16 to 21, 2019. This year, the Show focused on: "Agriculture, a Lever of Employment and the Future of the Rural World".
International Conference on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the CANA-CNRS Research Vessel in Lebanon
Beirut, Lebanon, 27 March 2019
On the occasion of the 10 years anniversary of the CANA-CNRS Research Vessel in Lebanon, an International Conference at the headquarters of the Grand Serail (Government Palace) was held on March 27. Stemming from the desire to enhance sustainable coastal development and to prioritize the study of marine eco-systems in Lebanon, its first steps were initiative towards the acquisition of a fishing trawler, undergoing a complete refurbishment of the engine and hydraulics and equipping the vessel with essential laboratories, training rooms and scientific equipment to fully transform the vessel into today's CANA-CNRS Research Vessel.
Italy-Tunisia Technical Cooperation Program on Environment Protection
Tunis, Tunisia, 24 April 2019
Within the Italy-Tunisia Techincal Cooperation Program on Environment Protection Project "Better retain and enhance Tunisian plant breeding resources", a 1.280.000,00€ 3-year project, financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), a national seminar was organised on Wednesday, April 24 in Tunis.
GENMEDA Network Meeting
Rome, 30 May 2019
Representatives of the GENMEDA network, "Network of Mediterranean Plant Conservation Centres", meet at the Botanical Garden 'Sapienza' in Rome, 30 May 2019, in the framework of the collaboration with the CARE-MEDIFLORA project. CIHEAM-Chania is the lead partner of CARE-MEDIFLORA.
GENMEDA is a network of seed banks and conservation centres of genetic resources of the Mediterranean flora.
Meeting with the world's largest youth-run organization
Chania, Greece, 19 March 2019
AIESEC is the world's largest youth-run organization. It is an international non-governmental and No profit, that provides young people with leadership development, cross-cultural global internships, and volunteer exchange experiences across the globe. The CIHEAM Chania is represented by its students' council.
Former CIHEAM Students: We need you!
Chania, Greece, 23 August 2019
Former CIHEAM Students from the CIHEAM Institute of Chania are invited to participate in the 2nd ALUMNI GATHERING (23/08/2019)
This year the gathering will focus on CIHEAM'S multiculturalism as a contribution to Personal and Professional Evolvement
Mediterranean Youth Meeting

Agribusiness at the heart of the development of the country

CIHEAM Montpellier
Just released!
Discover CIHEAM's activities on agrobiodiversity
And among them, find out more about the HNV-Link, the thematic network inspiring and spreading innovations that support the High Nature value farms and communities!
Participation of the MED-Amin Network to the Global Grain MENA 2019
Dubai, United Arabian Emirates, 29 April - 1 May 2019
The MED-Amin network participated in the Global Grain MENA 2019, at the invitation of the organizers. The MED-Amin network was represented by a delegate from Lebanon and the Secretariat. In line with the previous MED-Amin meeting in Meknes (January 2019), they notably addressed private/public partnerships in cereal markets and their keys to succeeding.
The CIHEAM Institute of Montpellier was involved in this event with the participation of Pascal Bergeret (Director) and David Gasc (MED-Amin Facilitator).
PAP ENPARD Tunisia: an Exchange visit
Montpellier, France, 14-21 April 2019
The CIHEAM Institute of Montpellier organized and hosted the visit of the Tunisian delegation of the PAP ENPARD Tunisia program in Montpellier. Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture officials met representatives of different entities involved in the development of rural territories in Occitanie and PACA regions: groups of local actors who manage a LEADER program on a specific territory (GAL), the Occitanie Region, the Regional Natural Park of the Alpilles, the Intercommunality of the Valley of Baux Alpilles, the Rural Family House of Claret, the Town Hall of Villesèque-des-Corbières, the House of the pond and the shellfish base of Leucate with a project of collection and recovery of shellfish waste, and the Domain "Les Herbiers".
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Career opportunities in the European agrifood sector: Open Day event at CIHEAM Zaragoza
Zaragoza, Spain, 25 April 2019
Organized by the CIHEAM of Zaragoza and the University of Zaragoza, the Open Day event was held on 25 April and showcased what the agrifood sector has to offer and was targeted to undergraduates and young professionals who wish to pursue a career in the agro-food industry, a vibrant and dynamic sector that accounts for 10% of the GDP in Spain.
The agrifood sector extends beyond the farm gates to include a wide range of farm- and food-related industries, from IT, sales, marketing, logistics, engineering to food product design and development, nutrigenomics or winery management, the range of jobs under the umbrella of food and agriculture is broader than ever before; it is an employment market that is now full of opportunities.
Training in innovative extension methods for Tunisian delegates
Zaragoza, Spain, 8-12 April 2019
The CIHEAM Institute of Zaragoza, in collaboration with the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), has organized a training week from 8 to 12 April 2019 within the framework of the project titled "Mind the Gap: Improving Dissemination Strategies to increase Technology Adoption by Smallholders". The training was targeted to Tunisian professionals from extension services, ministry departments and research centres and focused on innovative extension methods, showcasing extension services models in Spain and innovation and technology transfer in the agricultural sector.
Upcoming course at IAMZ-CIHEAM on Social innovation in rural areas
Zaragoza, Spain, 18-22 November 2019
The course, which will focus on rural areas from Europe and non-European Mediterranean countries and that will take place on 18-22 November 2019, is part of the H2020 EU-funded project Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA).
Second Trimester 2019
15-17 MAY, PALERMO, Strategies toward more sustainable food systems in the Mediterranean region, 2nd World Conference
15-17 MAY, MONTPELLIER, 170th EAAE Seminar (European Association of Agricultural Economists)
17 MAY, ROME, "Youth and Innovation for SDGs: sustainable water management in the Mediterranean", conference
21-24 MAY, MONTPELLIER, 49th Congress of the French Group for Research on Pesticides (GFP)
29 MAY, ROME, Global Launch of the UN Decade of Family Farming
30 MAY, ROME, "Network of Mediterranean Plant Conservation Centres" representatives meeting
11 JUNE, ROME, Symposium on 'Future of Food' - High-Level Event: Incorporating the principles of the Mediterranean Diet within Healthy Food Systems, FAO Headquarters
24 JUNE, MARSEILLE, Sommet des deux rives: Forum de la Méditerranée
4- 5 JULY, MADRID, 143rd CIHEAM Governing Board Meeting
Effect of coffee silver skin and brewers' spent grain in the control of root-knot nematodes. BARI Thligene N., Mezzapesa G.N., Mondelli D., Trani A., Veronico P., Melillo M.T., Dumontet S., Miano T., Sasanelli N. (2019).
Food systems sustainability, food security and nutrition in the Mediterranean Region: The contribution of the Mediterranean Diet. BARI Capone R., Bottalico F., Ottomano Palmisano G., El Bilali H., Dernini S. (2019). F In: Ferranti P., Berry E.M., Anderson J.R. (eds.). Encyclopedia of food security and sustainability.
Mapping paddy rice using Sentinel-1 SAR time series in Camargue, France Bazzi H., Baghdadi N., El Hajj M., Zribi M., Ho Tong Minh D., Ndikumana E., Courault D., Belhouchette H. (2019). Mapping paddy rice using Sentinel-1 SAR time series in Camargue, France. Remote Sensing, 11/04/2019, vol. 11, n. 7, p. 1-16.April 2019
Le dispositif français de transition vers l'économie circulaire institutionnalise-t-il un concept ? Une analyse transversale de discours Savy A.-C., N'Diaye M., Kessari M.E. (2019). Le dispositif français de transition vers l'économie circulaire institutionnalise-t-il un concept ? Une analyse transversale de discours. Technologie et innovation, 11/03/2019, vol. 19 - 4, p. 1-25. March 2019
Rapport de synthèse sur l'agriculture au Maroc Harbouze R., Pellissier J.-P. (coord.), Rolland J.-P. (coord.), Khechimi W. (coord.). (2019). Rapport de synthèse sur l'agriculture au Maroc. Montpellier (France) : CIHEAM-IAMM. 104 p. Rapport de synthèse. Initiative ENPARD Méditerranée (Commission Européenne).
Rapport de synthèse sur l'agriculture en Tunisie Chebbi H.E., Pellissier J.-P. (coord.), Rolland J.-P. (coord.), Khechimi W. (coord.). (2019). Rapport de synthèse sur l'agriculture en Tunisie. Montpellier (France) : CIHEAM-IAMM. 99 p. Rapport de synthèse. Initiative ENPARD Méditerranée (Commission Européenne).
Rapport de synthèse sur l'agriculture en Algérie Bessaoud O., Pellissier J.-P. (coord.), Rolland J.-P. (coord.), Khechimi W. (coord.). (2019). Rapport de synthèse sur l'agriculture en Algérie. Montpellier (France) : CIHEAM-IAMM. 82 p. Rapport de synthèse. Initiative ENPARD Méditerranée (Commission Européenne).
Synthesis report on egyptian agriculture Abdelhakim T. (coord.). (2019). Synthesis report on egyptian agriculture. Montpellier (France) : CIHEAM-IAMM. 50 p. Synthesis report. ENPARD South initiative (European Commission).
The organic agriculture in Egypt Siam G., Abdelhakim T. (coord.). (2019). The organic agriculture in Egypt. Montpellier (France) : CIHEAM-IAMM. 37 p. Study report. ENPARD South initiative (European Commission). ESSIMAGE: a tool for the assessment of the agroecological performance of agricultural production systems Trabelsi M., Mandart E., Le Grusse P., Bord J.-P. (2019). ESSIMAGE: a tool for the assessment of the agroecological performance of agricultural production systems. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 05/02/2019, online, 1- 24 p.February 2019
L'équation générationnelle face aux défis agricoles globaux Bergeret P. (2019). L'équation générationnelle face aux défis agricoles globaux. In : Abis S. (dir.). Déméter 2019 : agrosphères & regards d'avenir. Paris (France) : Club Déméter. p. 161-173. (Déméter : Economie et Stratégies Agricoles).
Agricultural activity concept for simulating strategic agricultural production decisions: case study of weed resistance to herbicide treatments in South-West France Hammouda M., Wery J., Darbin T., Belhouchette H. (2018). Agricultural activity concept for simulating strategic agricultural production decisions: case study of weed resistance to herbicide treatments in South-West France. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 01/12/2018, vol. 155, p. 167-179. January 2019
Participation: a pillar of sustainable forest management in the Mediterranean Maire M., Qarro M., Segur M., Robert N., Gouriveau F., Estévez Malvar M., Martínez Martínez S., Sfeir P. (2018). Participation: a pillar of sustainable forest management in the Mediterranean. In : FAO (Rome, Italie), Plan Bleu (Marseille, France). State of Mediterranean forest 2018. Rome (Italie) : FAO. p. 196-215. Partie III - Mediterranean forest-based solutions. Chapter 12.
Cross-species hybridization and the origin of North African date palms: Publication of the Center for Genomics and Systems Biology of the New York University for Mediterranean date palm trees in the PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA), in collaboration with the Mediterranean Plant Conservation Unit (MPCU) of CIHEAM Chania
Don't forget to browse the CIHEAM Press Review on SCOOP.IT (Euro-Mediterranean News on Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Environment...)
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