
Election of the new President of the CIHEAM Governing Board
Paris, France, 21 December 2018
Pr Mohammed Sadiki, currently Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Forests of the Kingdom of Morocco, has been elected new President of the CIHEAM Governing Board. The election took place during the 141st Governing Board meeting of the Organization the 21 December 2018, in Paris. He will succeed Pr. Masum Burak at the end of his term the 1st of April 2019. Pr. Masum Burak Pr. Mohammed Sadiki |
141st CIHEAM Governing Board Meeting
20-21 December 2018, Paris
The delegations of the CIHEAM Member States met in Paris on December 20 and 21, 2018, for the 141st Governing Board Meeting of the Organization. The new President of the Board was elected during this meeting and the organisation of the 12th CIHEAM Ministerial meeting in Tunis (2019), was announced. It will focus on "Youth Empowerment as a lever for agriculture and rural development".
CIHEAM-AFD Joint Publication
Migration phenomena are an essential part of political agendas. Little known, their effects on territories of origin and destination have an impact on the socio-economic balance in an already preoccupying climate context.on socio-economic balances in an already preoccupying climatic context. Co-directed by the CIHEAM and the Agence française de développement (AFD), the new edition of the Mediterra report gives the floor to experts and partner institutions to better understand this complex theme, and identify sustainable solutions.
Proceedings of the Rural Migration Forum 2018
On 29 May 2018, the CIHEAM, FAO, UfMS and EUI's Global Governance Programme jointly organized the Forum on Agriculture, Rural Development and Migration in the Mediterranean at the FAO Headquarters in Rome. The aim of the event was to discuss rural migration in the Mediterranean from the perspective of rural and agricultural development, to provide policy recommendations and establish a regional multi-stakeholder platform for decision-makers at different levels.
The proceedings of the forum are now available online
International meeting on "Integrated actions against Xylella Fastidiosa to protect olive trees and international trade"

Bari, Italy 12-14 December 2018
The spread of severe decline of olive trees in Puglia caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa and the detection, in recent years, of new outbreaks in other European and South American areas have raised the level of concern and alert in all olive-growing countries worldwide, with very serious and sometimes unjustified repercussions on international trade.
Organized by IOC (International Olive Council) and CIHEAM, the International meeting gathered, among others, experts from FAO, IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention), EPPO (European Plant Protection Organization), EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) EU, and also Institutional representatives from Albania, Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. The meeting helped to create the basis for coordinating and planning collaborations, practical actions and promoting the exchange of human resources between the participating countries.
Discover our activities on olive growing!
For a #ZeroHungerWorld : CIHEAM's "Concert of the Earth"
24 November 2018, Teatro Petruzzelli, Bari (Italy)
More than 400 high school students celebrated the World Food Day at the Teatro Petruzzelli. Organised by the CIHEAM Bari, the third edition of the "Concert for the Earth" was intended to give greater to the theme of the year "Our actions are our future. A #ZeroHunger world by 2030 is possible" and to raise awareness on poverty, hunger, and malnutrition issues.
This year's event was dedicated to the late Cosimo Lacirignola, SG of the CIHEAM, who passed away prematurely on 2 January 2018.
Development Cooperation Forum
Relief in Protracted Crises: the Syrian Case
21-28 November 2018, Rome
(ISPI Photo)
Within the framework of the 4th edition of ROME #Med2018 "Mediterranean Dialogues", in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and ISPI (Institute for International Policy Studies), the CIHEAM Bari has organised the Development Cooperation Forum on "Relief in protracted crises: the Syrian Case ". All major actors and donors engaged in the Syrian crisis attended the event as panellists (FAO, WFP, UNHCR, ECHO, OECD, Italian Cooperation, UK Cooperation, Syrian Recovery Trust Fund, civil society).
"Innovative and Sustainable Approaches for the Control of the RED PALM WEEVIL"
International Meeting, CIHEAM Bari, 23-25 October 2018
The main objective of the meeting, organised by the CIHEAM-Bari and the FAO, was to promote the adoption of an integrated multidisciplinary approach, which identifies and transfers innovative technologies and methods for the control of the red palm weevil (Red Palm Weevil RPW). In particular, specific topics have been discussed on the socio-economic impact, surveillance and early detection of the RPW, environmentally friendly control measures. The meeting was an opportunity to identify the most promising scientific activities, with a view to achieving an efficient and sustainable application for parasite control in the main palm cultivation areas.
Valetta, Malta, 12-16 November 2018
"Conservation of Mediterranean Plant Diversity: Complementary Approaches and New Perspectives"
The Mediterranean Plant Conservation Weeks is aimed at becoming a gathering point for botanists; civil society institutions working in the plant conservation field; community members; and for those interested in including plant conservation programmes in their conservation or sustainable development projects. This year, over 120 botanists and other practitioners, organisations and community members working in the field of plant conservation and sustainable development participated. Download the proceedings
The 2nd MPCW hosted the annual meeting of the Network of Mediterranean Plant Conservation Centres "GENMEDA" with the financial support of the CARE-MEDIFLORA project.
CIHEAM Montpellier
HNV-Link farming: Learning, Innovation, and Knowledge
The CIHEAM-Montpellier coordinated innovation brokering and knowledge transfer activities
Between October and November, the Learning Areas (LA) of France, Ireland and the United Kingdom hosted the last three cross-visits of the HNV-Link Project. Since April 18 study visits have been scheduled to support peer-learning on promising HNV farming innovations and to promote their adaptation and implementation in home areas of the teams.
In November, the LA of Bulgaria, Portugal and Sweden held HNV-Link Regional Meetings as part of their dissemination strategy and to present the results of innovation work across the project to their key stakeholders.
The LA of Western Stara Planina, Bulgaria, during the Regional Meeting on 9 November, and a group photo of HNV-Link delegates during the Burren Winterage School, in the Irish Learning Area (24-28 October)
The HNV-Link project will hold its final conference on 31 January 2019 at CIHEAM-Montpellier. It will highlight the environmental, social and economic relevance of HNV farming, share their findings from local experiences, and discuss the role of innovation in supporting this vital form of agriculture.
SmartAL Project - High-Level Segment
22 October 2018, Tirana, Albania
On the occasion of the First Steering Committee of the SmartAL "Sustainable management of Albanian Territories, rural areas and agriculture: Instruments, policies, strategies" Capacity Building-Erasmus+ project, the CIHEAM-Montpellier in collaboration with the Agricultural University of Tirana, the European University of Tirana, the University Fan S. Noli, Korçe, organised a High Level Segment on 22 October 2018 in Tirana, Albania.
A large panel of stakeholders participated and discussed the optimisation of the sustainable development of agricultural territories in Albania.
The major issue was to discuss the appropriate levers to align the needs of the Albanian job market in the sector of agriculture and rural territories with the academic offer in order to enable future public or private managers to answer the needs of this market.
The DEVLOK project
26 November, Kerkennah, Tunisia
The DEVLOK project team organised a public meeting in the Kerkennah Islands in the presence of more than 70 representatives of representatives of local organisation, to present and officially launch the three calls for proposals for the financing of economic initiatives in the archipelago.
Chaired by the Kerkennah Delegate and the new Mayor, this seminar was an opportunity to answer the questions of the different actors concerning the projects' selection process.
In total, these meetings have brought together more than 50 promoters who plan to present their projects for the first issue of calls for proposals. Other support meetings for these promoters will be soon organised in close collaboration with regional and local administrations.
CIHEAM Montpellier, 14 December 2018
The students of the 2018-2019 class at CIHEAM Montpellier have prepared a delicious Mediterranean meal, bringing together Tunisian, Algerian, Moroccan, Egyptian, Syrian, Albanian, Senegalese and French culinary specialties for the delight of the staff people, their families, and the students themselves!
On Friday 14 December, the evening was a moment of sharing and joy before the end of year celebrations. "
CIHEAM Zaragoza
Upcoming course on antimicrobial resistance and "One Health" at the CIHEAM-Zaragoza
From 18 to 22 March 2019, the CIHEAM- Zaragoza and the OIE, with the technical support of FAO, will be organising an advanced course for professionals on antimicrobial resistance and 'One Health': Implications for agricultural systems, food safety and the environment.
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a global threat to human, animal, and environmental health, putting food safety, food security and sustainable economic development at serious risk. Staying ahead of AMR is a cross-sectoral responsibility and requires the coordinated action of all actors involved, including the agro-food chain.
The course follows an applied approach combining lectures with case studies and debate, and is an opportunity to network with professionals from other countries to generate new connections, brainstorm and exchange ideas and solutions and be aware of the responses of the international community to curb AMR.
Holistic sustainability assessment of Mediterranean aquaculture: First MedAID Regional Workshop
International course on Xylella fastidiosa
CIHEAM Zaragoza 12-16 November 2018
The CIHEAM- Zaragoza organised a high-level training course on "Plant diseases caused by Xylella fastidiosa: detection, identification, monitoring and control" sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and supported by several EU projects (XF-Actors, POnTE and MSCA-RISE CURE XF).
The course brought together more than 90 professionals from all over the world from European countries, such as France, Germany, Greece, Italy or Spain, to Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, India or New Zealand. Participants included top international plant health and "Xylella" experts from the European Commission, universities and research centres. This course was one of the most comprehensive expert training to date on this new and emerging disease.
First Trimester 2019
15-16 JANUARY, PARIS, CIHEAM Headquarters, 5th General Assembly of DesertNet International (DNI) and DNI and 4 per 1000 Initiative Meeting
22-23 JANUARY, MEKNES, MED-Amin Meeting
31 JANUARY, MONTPELLIER, Final Conference of HNV-Link project at CIHEAM-Montpellier
22 FEBRUARY, PARIS, CIHEAM Extraordinary Governing Board Meeting for the election of the new Secretary General
21-25 JANUARY 2019, ZARAGOZA, Advanced course "Food loss and waste reduction management" organized by CIHEAM-Zaragoza, EU Project 'REFRESH' and ICARDA
11-15 FEBRUARY 2019, ZARAGOZA, Advanced course "Livestock and climate change: Assessment of emissions, mitigation options and adaptation strategies" organized by the CIHEAM Zaragoza, FAO, GRA, ICARDA, Red REMEDIA and 4 per 1000 initiative
25 FEBRUARY- 1 MARCH 2019, ZARAGOZA, Advanced course "Application of epidemiology in aquatic animal health" organized by the CIHEAM Zaragoza and EU Project 'MedAID'
MARKET POWER AND BARGAINING POWER IN THE EU FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN: THE ROLE OF PRODUCER ORGANIZATIONS, Cacchiarelli Luca, Russo Carlo, Sorrentino Alessandro, NEW MEDIT, A Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment, 2018 n. 4
The Mediterranean Sea: Fisheries and Beyond, CIHEAM Watch Letter n°31
SIMRA (Social innovation in marginalized rural areas across Europe and the Mediterranean region), Presentation of social initiatives, case studies and innovation actions
Innovation in the Mediterranean agrifood sector. Concepts, experiences and actors in a developing ecosystem.Petruzzella D. (ed.), Di Mambro A. (ed.). Bari : CIHEAM, 2016. 86 p., Options Méditerranéennes: Série B. Etudes et Recherches; n. 74
The Mediterranean Diet: Designed for the Future, Joan Reguant-Aleix, MEDITERRA "The Mediterranean Diet for sustainable regional development", 2012
Monitoring of recreational and educational services provided by Mediterranean wetlands: synthesis for decision-makers and managers. Chazée L., Requier-Desjardins M., Ribeiro-Lopes S. (2018). Arles (France): OZHM. Observatoire des Zones Humides Méditérranéennes. 19 p.
On farm analysis of the effect of the preceding crop on N uptake and grain yield of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) in Mediterranean conditions. Ben Zekri Mghirbi Y., Barkaoui K., Marrou H., Mekki I., Belhouchette H., Wery J. (2018), Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science
Don't forget to browse the CIHEAM Press Review on SCOOP.IT (Euro-Mediterranean News on Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Environment...)
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