10224520 - ✉ Newsletter September-October 2018
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CIHEAM Headquarters


Students and Young Researchers' Dialogue on Important Mediterranean Challenges


20 September 2018, Bari, Italy 

175 PhD students and young researchers met at the CIHEAM Bari, from 18 to 20 September, to participate in the 2nd Mediterranean Forum on "Research and Innovation: Tools for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security", which gave them the opportunityto present research on the basis of previously selected abstracts as well as to listen to keynote speeches from invited guest speakers and panels of experts.The CIHEAM together with the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IMFA), the Centre for Mediterranean Integration-World Bank (CMI) with the technical collaboration of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Agreenium (the French consortium for research and education in agriculture, food, animal health, and environment) organised the 2nd Mediterranean Forum for PhD Students and Young Researchers in Bari, Italy.

Women4Mediterranean Conference

Fourth UfM Women's Empowerment conference reaffirms key role of women in building inclusive societies and unlocking Mediterranean's potential

10-11 October 2018, Lisbon, Portugal

The CIHEAM was associated to the UfM Secretariat fourth high-level conference on women's empowerment entitled, 'Women build inclusive societies in the Mediterranean' held in Lisbon, on 10-11 October. Organised in partnership with renowned international organisations such as UN Women, UNIDO, UNDP, the Parliamentary Assembly of the UfM (PA-UfM), Science Po Paris, Konrad Adenauer, the Euro-Mediterranean Women's Foundation and the CIHEAM, this edition brought together some of the most active voices on gender equality in the region, involving 300 participants from over 30 countries. 


Publications related to the event

Strengthening the role of women in rural and agricultural areas in the Mediterranean region": transforming challenges into opportunities" 

CIHEAM Watch Letter n° 40

This new publication draws focus on women in rural areas, who, unless they are empowered to become more resilient, will continue to bear the brunt of climate change and inequalities that hinder our collective prosperity and development.


This publication is the main findings of the Wikigender online discussion held on 17 September to 21 September 2018 organised by the OECD Development Center in partnership with CIHEAM and the UfM. 


The FAO High-Level Seminar Blue Hope Technical Cooperation Program (TCP) in collaboration with CIHEAM-Bari

The FAO high-level seminar Blue Hope Technical Cooperation Program (TCP) in collaboration with the CIHEAM-Bari was held in Tricase, Lecce (Italy) on the 13 and 14 September 2018.

CURE-XF International Summer School on: "Xylella fastidiosa- Detection, Epidemiology and Control measures 

In the framework of the Project on "Capacity Building and Raising Awareness in Europe and in Third Countries to Cope with Xylella fastidiosa – CURE-XF", the CIHEAM-Bari hosted the first CURE-XF International Summer school on "Xylella fastidiosa – detection, epidemiology and control measures" from the 10 September to 17 October 2018.


Kick-Off Meeting of LEAP-Agri funded Projects, 8-10 October

From 8 to 10 October 2018, the CIHEAM-Bari hosted the kick-off meeting of the 27 LEAP-Agri funded projects operating under the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 and its EU-Africa High Level Policy Dialogue.



Recognition of postgraduate degrees of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania

The postgraduate diplomas awarded by the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) are recognized as equivalent to the postgraduate diplomas of the Greek Higher Educational Institutions.
CIrCLE 2018 "Challenges for the Islands in the era of the Circular Economy", 20-22 September, Chania
The CIHEAM-Chania co-organised the International Conference CIrCLE 2018 "Challenges for the Islands in the era of the Circular Economy" was held on 20-22 September 2018 in Chania, Greece, under the auspices of the European Commission.
The Conference aims at highlighting cross‐border cooperation, enhancing bilateral & multilateral relations, strengthening economic & business opportunities and promoting growth, sustainable development and circular economy practices in the islands of the Mediterranean.

Mediterranean diet Cooperation Programme between CIHEAM-Chania and American University- Madaba of Jordan, 2-21 September, Chania 

 Thumb diet med chania 21092018.jpg2

In the framework of the training program INTERNSHIP IN FOOD SERVICES- Mediterranean Diet, students from the American University of Madaba in Jordan, participated in scheduled activities, along with visits to local businesses of the sector. From 2 to 21 of September, a great collaboration took place at the CIHEAM-Chania. The Chef of CIHEAM-Chania Mr. Yiannis Apostolakis, with the sous - chef Yota Tsoump trained the students on food safety and preparation, focusing on Cretan and Mediterranean diet while using local products, herbs and aromatic plants.


CIHEAM Montpellier


The new brochure introduces 14 eco-innovative best practices from 7 countries, to reduce food waste at various levels of the food system. They have been identified and discussed with experts and stakeholders during the 1st stage of ECOWASTE4FOOD project.


DEVLOK Meeting, 3 October 2018 in Sfax, Tunisia



On 3 October 2018, the second monitoring committee of the Kerkennah Islands Local Development Project (DEVLOK) held a meeting with all stakeholders to discuss the next steps and in particular the launch of the first calls for proposals aimed at strengthening the territory's economy and supporting job creation.

This event confirmed the support of all local and regional political forces for the success of the project.



SmartAL Erasmus+ Capacity Building project  

Launching of Albanian teacher's mobilities in the European Universities

Elena Kokthi, lecturer at the European University of Tirana, is staying at the CIHEAM-Montpellier for a month to co-design one of the 9 modules of the future Master with Tahani Abdelhakim, lecturer and researcher at the CIHEAM-Montpellier.
Focusing on oriented towards territory actors and institutions, this module will be part of the Master for a Sustainable Management of Albanian Territories, Rural Areas and Agriculture.

(From left to right: Philippe Le Grusse, Lecturer and Researcher, CIHEAM-Montpellier, Magali Maire, Chargée de mission to the Director - Coordinator of the SmartAL project, Pascal Bergeret, Director of the CIHEAM Montpellier, Elena Kokthi, Lecturer and Researcher at the European University of Tirana, Tahani Abdelhakim, Researcher and Lecturer at the CIHEAM-Montpellier, Virginie Avignon, Financial Manager of the SmartAL project at the CIHEAM-Montpellier).


CIHEAM Zaragoza

Inauguration Ceremony of the  2018/2019 Academic Year

The Welcome ceremony marked the official start of the new academic year at CIHEAM Zaragoza and was organised for all students, staff and external partners.

The MSc programmes held during this academic year are Plant Breeding, Animal Breeding and Reproduction Biotechnology, Aquaculture.


Upcoming Course at the CIHEAM-Zaragoza on Food Loss and Waste Reduction and Management

Providing over 20 hours of in-class training and 15 hours of practical tutorials and case studies, this course offers an integrated approach to the issue of food loss and waste.

It is a unique opportunity to network with professionals from other countries to generate new ideas, identify the causes and hot spots of food loss and waste, learn more about key initiatives and public and private actions.


The CIHEAM-Zaragoza Welcomes a Delegation from the EU-Algeria PAP-ENPARD Programme

The CIHEAM-Zaragoza organised a study visit for an Algerian delegation of experts in rural development from Laghouat, Ain Témouchent and Tlemcen wilayas.

PAP-ENPARD enabled delegates to spend a week, from 24 to 28 September, travelling across the region of Aragon to learn about the LEADER approach, as well as different projects developed in the rural environment.




International meeting CIHEAM-Bari-FAO: Innovative and Sustainable Approaches to Control the Red Palm Weevil (RPW)


Official Visit of the President, Dr Masum Burak to the Institute of CIHEAM Montpellier

12-15 NOVEMBER, RABAT (MOROCCO) , International training course for the Design of Resilient Farming Systems in face of climate change in Dry Regions. IAV-Hassan II



United Nations Food Day celebration at CIHEAM Bari (Theater Petruzzelli) & CIHEAM Tribute to Cosimo Lacirignola


CIHEAM's participation to the COP 24 and the initiative 4/1000 


Fish Forum 2018, Forum on Fisheries & sciences in the Mediterranean & Black Sea*


Regional meeting on Xylella Fastidiosa with the CIHEAM and the COI (International Olive Council)


141th Governing Board of the CIHEAM


31 JANUARY 2019, CIHEAM Montpellier,

 HNV-Link Conference: Innovation to sustain High Nature Value farming: Who needs to do what?






SME ORGANICS Interreg Europe

Action plan for organic agriculture in Puglia Region (Italy). 2018-2020.

Regione Puglia ; CIHEAM Bari, 2018.

A novel approach for mapping wheat areas using high resolution sentinel-2 images. Sensors, July 2018, vol. 18, n. 7, p. 1-23. Nasrallah A., Baghdadi N., Mhawej M., Faour G., Darwish T., Belhouchette H., Darwich S. (2018). 


CIHEAM Montpellier Fact Sheet


CIHEAM Montpellier Scientific Production 



Don't forget to discover the CIHEAM Press Review (Euro-Mediterranean News on Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Environment...)

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